钱真奇怪 : You sure?
youreatowel OP 钱真奇怪 : Yes
咘咘灬 : Did you say that yesterday too?
撞大运 : lol
youreatowel OP 咘咘灬 : Yes
Cardinal-BagHolder : It already crashed lol, SPY pumping is just plain MF lying.
youreatowel OP Cardinal-BagHolder : Should show tomorrow
钱真奇怪 : You sure?
youreatowel OP 钱真奇怪 : Yes
咘咘灬 : Did you say that yesterday too?
撞大运 : lol
youreatowel OP 咘咘灬 : Yes
Cardinal-BagHolder : It already crashed lol, SPY pumping is just plain MF lying.
youreatowel OP Cardinal-BagHolder : Should show tomorrow