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2023 Half-Year Recap: Gains, pains and how do you reset?
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First Half Recap

The start of the first half of this year started out rough. The reason is not because my investment account tanked. I was forced to liquidate a large majority of my investment account to pay for certain unexpected life expenses. This led my account to dip below margin requirement, so I couldn't trade every day like I normally would. My investment account was flat, and I had a lot less disposable income. I didn't know what to do with myself.
In the first quarter of the year, the market was generally flat due to questions about interest rates and banking stress. So I'm not too disappointed about missing out. The second quarter was a complete uptrend.
First Half Recap
The last three months have been a complete different experience than the first quarter. This past quarter has paid off emensly. My investments have grown over 800% in less than two months. This was done via trading long calls and puts with very short-term options contracts and risky end of week expirations. I strongly recommend against trading this way. I just got lucky.
The %/profit provided on top of the chart was scued due to crypto transfers, so it was discluded.
The %/profit provided on top of the chart was scued due to crypto transfers, so it was discluded.
I owe all of these gains to the amazing AI/tech melt up that is currently transpiring in the stock market. Most of the gains were made from the names in the semiconductor sector. The unheard of rally in NVIDIA's share price pulled the entire semiconductor sector into rally mode. Compared to the rest of the stock market, semiconductors were some of the best performers.
Semiconductors were some of the best performers these past three months.
Semiconductors were some of the best performers these past three months.
Something that helped my daytrading success was a feature I found on another trading platform. It was a tick-by-tick chart that showed ticker symbols, in real time, that were making new highs or new lows for the day. Essentially, it would show overall market sentiment, breadth, and direction in real time. When new daily highs are printing rapidly in the market, then generally, it is safe to be long on a day trade. When new daily lows are printing, then it is safe to be short. Moomoo should consider adding this feature to their trading platform or include it somehow in the AI Market Monitor. It is a very valuable tool for a daytrader.
This feature is called the High/Low Ticker Feature
This feature is called the High/Low Ticker Feature
As always, this is not investment advice. Good luck trading. Be careful and be patient. Give your investments time. Don't be greedy. Don't invest in anything you don't understand. Don't put all of your eggs in one basket. Don't listen to the hype. Don't fomo or panic into or out of trades. And just follow the trends. A trend is your friend
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  • Asphen : I'm thankful that though price action and TA, I was able to see and chart the wave with the rally from mid Mar, though many crash callers were touting mother of all crashes.

  • SpyderCall OP Asphen : Right. usually, the most bearish news is near bottoms in the market. With news, it is smart to only follow data and not opinions.
    Sometimes the news is only there to provide volatility. Some headlines are released simply to instigate buyers when insiders need to sell  or vise versa. It can be difficult for insiders to buy or sell millions of shares without causing a reaction in the markets. So, they often use the media to bring in liquidity

  • MoneyComesMoneyStays : While everyone was saying a recession is coming, even though most are saying it for political reasons for the last 3+ years, I kept buying and I'm now in the green. I'll continue to buy and buy extra if a dip comes.

  • SpyderCall OP MoneyComesMoneyStays : The bigger the dip, the bigger the rebound.

  • Asphen SpyderCall OP : Well said, sir. Market is manipulated and often any news we hear are already baked in. we need to see what's coming up 6 to 9months down the road as that will determine the market.

  • SpyderCall OP Asphen : Right. Ive heard some investors say "you must price in the future." This might be apparent currently as it appears that the market was pricing in rate cuts. im still not convinced in the rate cuts for now. im still going to follow the trend though. if the market is going up then Im looking for long positions. if the market is going down then I search for short positions. Of course it all depends on the time frame I am looking at.

  • Moomoo Lily : Hi mooer, thank you for your advice.The advice has been forwarded to the related team. @MoneyBabyy @ShinePlease take a look here. Thank you for your support.

  • SpyderCall OP Moomoo Lily : Awesome! thank you

  • Asphen SpyderCall OP : yes. priced in is always used but be careful with that. it is another manipulation tactic by the market makers.

  • Lu Lulu SpyderCall OP : Yes, interest rate cuts probably won't happen next year because the economy is so bad that the Fed can't cut interest rates

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