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2023 Half-Year Recap: Gains, pains and how do you reset?
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The best investor you've never heard of:

Shelby Davis.
At 38 he'd invested $50k, by the time he passed away at 85, he'd amassed a $900 million dollar fortune.
His system was simple, here're the key lessons:
The best investor you've never heard of:
In short:
- Avoid bubbles
- Hold companies for decades
- Only sell when fundamentals are deteriorating

Have Long Holding Periods
Most success stories highlight those who made money as quickly as possible.
Shelby Davis slowly compounded his money at high rates, holding mainly boring insurance companies.
That's right, boring businesses...
Davis and Buffett have shown that wealth doesn't require you to own the hottest (and overpriced) companies to compound like AI.
Instead, find great companies that will continue growing for many decades and hold onto them dearly.
Next, you must learn to:

Avoid Bubbles
The majority of investors take part in bubbles.
Part of Shelby's success was that he avoided exposure to bubbles.
He had one simple advantage that forbade him from owning nifty fifty stocks:
He refused to overpay.
You can succeed if the value is there ↓
I think you can pay up for a super high-quality business.
In order to do this successfully, you must:
1. Know it is a quality business and will remain that way for a long time
2. Avoid paying bubble-like prices
If you can do those two things, you'll make a killing if you ↓

Avoid Dubious Sell Signals
If you cannot live with market volatility, you'll find it difficult to succeed in investing.
Davis's portfolio went from $50 million to $20 million for a period.
He didn't sell because of this nor was he upset.
No, instead...

Shelby Davis:
• Didn't allow the market to determine his decision-making
• Held on to companies experiencing short-term tailwinds
• Remained self-reliant and trusting in his analysis
These are qualities he shared with many of the greats.
TL;DR - 3 lessons from Shelby Davis that will help you achieve financial freedom:
- Avoid bubbles
- Hold companies for decades
- Only sell when fundamentals are deteriorating
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