davidsggg : Also haven’t received yet
hellocannot OP davidsggg : I received already, checked around 7pm
Steven Gao : got it today but why dividend now ? Is it a special payout?
Hicktan : just received mine.
0DINO0 : to receive dividend payout, must buy 100 shares?cause I buy odd lot and I don't think I received it yet
102171325 : Haven't received it
moohehe : Can buy odd lot on moomoo?
72743106 moohehe : Yes.
72743106 moohehe : moomoo has no limit on how much to buy
davidsggg : Also haven’t received yet
hellocannot OP davidsggg : I received already, checked around 7pm
Steven Gao : got it today but why dividend now ? Is it a special payout?
Hicktan : just received mine.
0DINO0 : to receive dividend payout, must buy 100 shares?
cause I buy odd lot and I don't think I received it yet
102171325 : Haven't received it
moohehe : Can buy odd lot on moomoo?
72743106 moohehe : Yes.
72743106 moohehe : moomoo has no limit on how much to buy