70763693 OP : Is anyone going to respond???
Rhiox : my average was zero the first couple of days then changed to 3.70 .
Ping983 : Me too 3.7
70763693 OP Rhiox : Well as long as you didn't buy any shares and it was just the shares from the spin off, it is supposed to be $0.00.
Rhiox 70763693 OP : I know, contacted moomoos customer service about it, not getting anywhere with them at the moment.
MadGuineaPig : 3.70
Deez : 3.70.. which is bs
70763693 OP : Is anyone going to respond???
Rhiox : my average was zero the first couple of days then changed to 3.70 .
Ping983 : Me too 3.7
70763693 OP Rhiox : Well as long as you didn't buy any shares and it was just the shares from the spin off, it is supposed to be $0.00.
Rhiox 70763693 OP : I know, contacted moomoos customer service about it, not getting anywhere with them at the moment.
MadGuineaPig : 3.70
Deez : 3.70.. which is bs