Some body said that China printed money to stimulate its economy. Nobody does it more than the U.S. As of Mar 2021, U.S. all-in money printing was approaching USD13 t (USD5.2 t for COVID + USD$4.5 t for Quantitative Easing + USD$3 for infrastructure. That's more than the US spent in its 13 most expensive wars combined. Wars were used because they're the most expensive things we can think of. COVID costs total USD5.2 t, which is about 25% of GDP. USD5.2 t is the total cost of all American wars since 2001, and is greater than even the most expensive war in history, World War II with USD4.7 t (in today's dollars).
microbalance : Good read and I’m in tune with the message. What an age we live in.
Momentum Trader : Cheap money for too long. Payback time. Everyone suffers
Sg-Jin : Fed is buying up stonks and bonds. When the fed has to sell the screaming will come.
HopelessChi : FED decide to curb this even thou printer can be heard. what the market want to know is a strong stimulus to kick-start the economy. doing opposite is the fate like china. everyone is selling. scoop low to be bag hold. smart money is exiting china and pumping US till then US is where money is made and china is where money is lost
slank HopelessChi : jd will pump back to at least 60 soon
bullrider_21 OP microbalance :
MoneyComesMoneyStays : it's obviously clear that the debt only matters to people like you when a democrat is in the White House.
bullrider_21 OP Momentum Trader :
bullrider_21 OP Sg-Jin :
bullrider_21 OP HopelessChi : Dumb money is pumping US until bubble burst like Dot-com bubble.
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