This does not mean that buying 1,000 shares+selling 1,000 shares = turnover of 2,000 shares. Also, in this case, 2,000 shares are called “transaction volume.” About liquidity risk Liquidity risk means that there is a high possibility that the desired transaction will not be completed because the volume is too low. There is a risk that trading will not be established immediately, or that a transaction will be established at a lower or higher price than expected in market orders. Beginners, in particular, need to be careful about stocks with low trading volume. How to use turnover When turnover increases or decreases rapidly, there is a tendency for stock prices to rise and fall significantly following that. ※This is just a “trend,” not necessarily. Trading volume trend in an uptrend In an upward trend, the level of attention for that stock increases, and investors' buying demand increases. Since there are more people who want to buy, trading volume generally tends to increase in an upward trend. Trading volume trend in a downtrend In a downtrend, the level of attention for that stock decreases, and popularity also declines. Since the number of people who want to buy decreases, trading volume generally tends to decline in a downtrend. When stock prices skyrocket or plummet ⇒ turnover precedes stock prices, which is a good factor, turnover increases rapidly due to “announcements of corporate acquisitions and business alliances, surprise financial results (good performance), dividend increase/share repurchase announcements,” etc., and stock prices often skyrocket. In the case of bad news (failure to meet plans, capital increases, etc.), the number of people who want to sell increases, so turnover increases rapidly, and stock prices also plummet. Also, there are cases where trading volume increases before stock prices fluctuate even though there are no particularly conspicuous materials. (Shares, etc.)