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Trading idea competition: What is pairs trading strategy?
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To Go Long or To Go Short?

There are several instances when a positive catalyst for one security can be a negative catalyst for another type of security. This can happen for many reasons, such as macroeconomic factors, competition, or intra market mechanics. Here are a few examples of inverse trade pairings.
Go Short: $ $Intel(INTC.US)$
These two are in the semiconductor space. This sector is in full rally mode, so going short on either of these names would seem irrational.
But these two names are in direct competition in the microprocessor market. This sometimes causes an inverse correlation in the price action of these two companies.
Most of the time, the majority of the semiconductor tickers travel in sentiment with one another. But when INTC or AMD have a new product release or a price change in their microprocessors, then it can cause an inverse reaction between the price action of these two equities.
Sometimes, it is smart to go long on AMD and short INTC, or vise versa.
To Go Long or To Go Short?
Based on the forex pairing between gold and the US dollar, you will often see an inverse correlation in the price action of gold and the dolllar.
Currently, the economy is undergoing quantative tightening through interest rate hikes. This has brought up the dollar's value via increasing demand.
Eventually, the Fed will need to cut interest rates when the economy is showing signs of weakening. In theory, a weakening economy and quantative easing will bring down the dollar's value as well as add to the appeal of the safe haven status of gold.
When this happens, then it might be a good time to be long in gold and short the dollar.
To Go Long or To Go Short?
Market Mechanics
Probably one of the easiest trade pairings is to be long the S&P 500 and short the VIX, or vise versa.
The VIX is the call to put ratio for the SPY. When investors are short the market and they hold more puts than calls, then VIX's value will be relatively high. Conversely, when traders hold more calls than puts then VIX's value will be relatively low.
Since October, the S&P has been rallying and the VIX is falling. This has been the perfect time to be long the market and short the VIX.
During a strong bear market or if there is ever an economic crash, then this might be the perfect time to go long on volatility and short on the market.
To Go Long or To Go Short?
As always, this is not investment advice. Good luck trading. Be careful and be patient. Give your investments time. Don't be greedy. Don't invest in anything you don't understand. Don't put all of your eggs in one basket. Don't listen to the hype. Don't fomo or panic into or out of trades. And just follow the trends. A trend is your friend.
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