BruceLin8 : Gg
人间几多愁 : Stop it, Master!
defishu OP 人间几多愁 : Never stop without falling 15 points
战无不胜之东方不败 : Space-time is dangerous at this time
Ondo : Let's stop Azu
defishu OP Ondo : Hahaha, it's all right, keep going empty. There are a lot of empty positions today
BruceLin8 : Gg
人间几多愁 : Stop it, Master!
defishu OP 人间几多愁 : Never stop without falling 15 points
战无不胜之东方不败 : Space-time is dangerous at this time
BruceLin8 : Gg
Ondo : Let's stop Azu
defishu OP Ondo : Hahaha, it's all right, keep going empty. There are a lot of empty positions today