ee071002 OP : @Market Sniper hi, thousand stock? can buy?
Market Sniper : u bought ?
ee071002 OP Market Sniper : No. Someone recommended.
Market Sniper : don't buy this kind of penny stock. all manipulate by operator
ee071002 OP Market Sniper :
MooBoo : who is the operator? @Market Sniper
张文静 : Yes, did you buy it?
ee071002 OP : @Market Sniper hi, thousand stock? can buy?
Market Sniper : u bought ?
ee071002 OP Market Sniper : No. Someone recommended.
Market Sniper : don't buy this kind of penny stock. all manipulate by operator
ee071002 OP Market Sniper :
MooBoo : who is the operator? @Market Sniper
张文静 : Yes, did you buy it?