Dwight Screwed : I DCA to this or Ascendas every month. 500 lots
102724320 OP Dwight Screwed : cool , at least i know im not alone
sginter : I DCA ME8U and A17U every month too. Not to worry, will fly high.
102684281 : looks ok ...
HaileyK : Hi. I'm new to DCA. What's the right way to do it? Do you invest every month on a fixed date? Thanks!
Dwight Screwed : I DCA to this or Ascendas every month. 500 lots
102724320 OP Dwight Screwed : cool , at least i know im not alone
sginter : I DCA ME8U and A17U every month too. Not to worry, will fly high.
102684281 : looks ok ...
HaileyK : Hi. I'm new to DCA. What's the right way to do it? Do you invest every month on a fixed date? Thanks!