Moomoo Buddy
Dear client, the dividend for latest quarter will provide as per the date on announcement. Clients can check the details under the page of Dividend | First Sentier Investors. We will update the latest information as soon as we can at moomoo platform. Please let us know if there is any inquiry by online inquiry or hotline service at 6321 8888. Thank you.
102765799 : and why did it drop so much
Moomoo Lily : @Moomoo Buddy Please help to assist. Thanks.
Moomoo Buddy : Dear client, the dividend for latest quarter will provide as per the date on announcement. Clients can check the details under the page of Dividend | First Sentier Investors. We will update the latest information as soon as we can at moomoo platform. Please let us know if there is any inquiry by online inquiry or hotline service at 6321 8888. Thank you.
会飞的笨鸟 : I bought it at the bank in January 2022, but I can't imagine losing 13.5% until now
Pika Xin 会飞的笨鸟 : Me too. Super heartache
会飞的笨鸟 Pika Xin : It's already down to -18%