72747306 : Short-term calls are not an obvious choice
Wei Wei123 OP 72747306 : What do you think about using asset portfolios for hedging risk management?
72747306 Wei Wei123 OP : Of course, as long as you have enough money, just personal advice, no need
Wei Wei123 OP 72747306 : options call
72747306 Wei Wei123 OP : Even if it's a contract, when I don't say this, it's definitely a gamble
Wei Wei123 OP 72747306 : Follow the trend, the risk isn't great, friend.
72747306 Wei Wei123 OP : Prefer ultra-short term operation
Wei Wei123 OP 72747306 : Short-term operations require the use of technical assets to make basic judgments in a k-line pattern
72747306 Wei Wei123 OP : There's quite a bit I know. Requires technical support
Wei Wei123 OP 72747306 : Let's do basic operations. Use the pattern chart to see trends, and use the Brinken Line to see market sentiment and trading intensity
72747306 : Short-term calls are not an obvious choice
Wei Wei123 OP 72747306 : What do you think about using asset portfolios for hedging risk management?
72747306 Wei Wei123 OP : Of course, as long as you have enough money, just personal advice, no need
Wei Wei123 OP 72747306 : options call
72747306 Wei Wei123 OP : Even if it's a contract, when I don't say this, it's definitely a gamble
Wei Wei123 OP 72747306 : Follow the trend, the risk isn't great, friend.
72747306 Wei Wei123 OP : Prefer ultra-short term operation
Wei Wei123 OP 72747306 : Short-term operations require the use of technical assets to make basic judgments in a k-line pattern
72747306 Wei Wei123 OP : There's quite a bit I know. Requires technical support
Wei Wei123 OP 72747306 : Let's do basic operations. Use the pattern chart to see trends, and use the Brinken Line to see market sentiment and trading intensity