Simon Lee8 : Back then they told you not to sell until now you've lost even more
Alexpoh : take care labi we all same lose.. had to continue hold.. no choice
Simon Lee8 : Now is the second bull market comingResults are expected to be better in the third quarter
Alexpoh : maybe now really no more recession. seem like market going good and strong.
Simon Lee8 : Not stopping loss is the dumbest way to remember that when you triple your leverage is your enemy, I already reminded you a long time ago
Simon Lee8 : All the bears have been detonated
Stockfishing : After losing for months, I finally beat the S&P.
股勇者 : take care bro... win back somewhere else.... dun give up bro
71066342 Simon Lee8 : quantity
Simon Lee8 : Those called rabbis who always insist on not stopping loss actually don't have sqqq at all, they just want to see the rabbis lose more and more
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Simon Lee8 : Back then they told you not to sell until now you've lost even more
Alexpoh : take care labi we all same lose.. had to continue hold.. no choice
Simon Lee8 : Now is the second bull market comingResults are expected to be better in the third quarter
Alexpoh : maybe now really no more recession. seem like market going good and strong.
Simon Lee8 : Not stopping loss is the dumbest way to remember that when you triple your leverage is your enemy, I already reminded you a long time ago
Simon Lee8 : All the bears have been detonated
Stockfishing : After losing for months, I finally beat the S&P.
股勇者 : take care bro... win back somewhere else.... dun give up bro
71066342 Simon Lee8 : quantity
Simon Lee8 : Those called rabbis who always insist on not stopping loss actually don't have sqqq at all, they just want to see the rabbis lose more and more
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