Treasury bonds, notes, and bills are fixed-income securities backed by the federal government that offer investors a guaranteed cash return at maturity. The yield of a bond, expressed as a percentage of its face value, is a key factor in determining investor returns. For instance, a 10-year Treasury bond with a yield of 4% will provide an investor who buys it for $100,000 with $4,000 in annual interest payments until the bond matures in 10 years. At maturity, the investor will also receive the full $100,000 face value of the bond.
Pink panther : this article was extremely informative
70973694 : The last sentence of the third to last paragraph sums up the entire article. Even though the 10 year might be offering yield slightly higher than a dividend payer that dividend payer does have the added value of compound in growth. So diversification is definitely the key to a well balanced portfolio.
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