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MooFest Takeaways on Moo Community

Thank you moomoo for having us at the MooFest 2023. Today was so much fun, but all good things must come to an end.
MooFest Takeaways on Moo Community
MooFest Takeaways on Moo Community
MooFest Takeaways on Moo Community
MooFest Takeaways on Moo Community
MooFest Takeaways on Moo Community
Here are my top 3 Takeaways:
1. Sharing is Caring
Hope all mooers can continue the sharing spirit just like how @doctorpot1 , and shifu @Stock Watch always share their valuable insights selflessly with us.
This morning I was panicking looking for answers, thank you to the uncle infront of me who shared your answers with me and @erin39 for sharing the answers with us on moomoo event and promo group. This was later passed down to another few members, who even took photo of my phone and ugly handwriting posted on the Learn Premium group.
MooFest Takeaways on Moo Community
MooFest Takeaways on Moo Community
MooFest Takeaways on Moo Community
MooFest Takeaways on Moo Community
2. Moomoo app interface (+ Moomoo workshop at the side stage)
I signed up moomoo last year because of the 2$ NDP cashback, and the baby cow Later, I found moomoo interface is very easy to use.
Below is a very good exponential space design created by ?????
MooFest Takeaways on Moo Community
MooFest Takeaways on Moo Community
MooFest Takeaways on Moo Community
MooFest Takeaways on Moo Community
MooFest Takeaways on Moo Community
3. Moomoo Amazing Race + Attractive prizes
CHIONG AH. Race to be the first 1000 people to complete all the tasks on the game cards to get attractive prizes.
Deposit for lucky draw
Deposit for lucky draw
Canvas bag: Pen, coaster, sticker, notebook, brochure, thanks 🙏🏻
Canvas bag: Pen, coaster, sticker, notebook, brochure, thanks 🙏🏻
Promo Flyers.
Promo Flyers.
Free Fullerton Phone mount, Starbucks 10$ gift card, DLC foldable bag
Free Fullerton Phone mount, Starbucks 10$ gift card, DLC foldable bag
Quiz card to win Laptop bag, moomoo figurine
Quiz card to win Laptop bag, moomoo figurine
Played half way, tam jiak tried yoghurt. Don't like sorry, I thought ice cream, still finished😋🙏🏻
Played half way, tam jiak tried yoghurt. Don't like sorry, I thought ice cream, still finished😋🙏🏻
MooFest Takeaways on Moo Community
Fold airplane and win something. Didn't win, because dunno how to fold airplane.
Fold airplane and win something. Didn't win, because dunno how to fold airplane.
Yay thanks moomoo. Lucky draw tent, umbrella bull figurine.
Yay thanks moomoo. Lucky draw tent, umbrella bull figurine.
Also, I would like to specially thanks moomoo staff, Sue Kee for being extraordinary special. Moomoo account executive, Brian Li, was calling me yesterday telling me how to reach Suntec and avoid the traffics due to NDP. Last, thank you moomoo account manager, Joe Qiu; wishing you all the best in your future endeavours in Oz.
#MooFest2023: What are your top 3 takeaways?
Disclaimer: Community is offered by Moomoo Technologies Inc. and is for educational purposes only. Read more
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