Yea, theres no such thing as threshold securities list. Its just like all the rest of their “rules”. Only a rule for you and me. The table is tilted, the game is rigged. Fuk’em, Let them hang themselves.
the wording is awfully peculiar. you would think the holders of the FTDs committed the violation and the sec failed to do there job, uphold their oath etc etc etc.
Expendabiggles : Yea, theres no such thing as threshold securities list. Its just like all the rest of their “rules”. Only a rule for you and me. The table is tilted, the game is rigged. Fuk’em, Let them hang themselves.
T800 : the wording is awfully peculiar. you would think the holders of the FTDs committed the violation and the sec failed to do there job, uphold their oath etc etc etc.
LEGEND OG : I agree with T800 wording is awfully peculiar