For new users: familiarize yourself with your account and funds!
In moomoo, the Cash plus(cash management fund product) , as well as the Universal Account (Buying Power of Global), are two features that are often mentioned by new users.🥰🥳
Byinvesting your idle cash in Cash Plus, you can gain returns with low risk, and by unifying your buying power in a global account, you canincrease the utilization rate of your funds.
However, there are some users who encounter problems on how to use it, such as depositing SGD and buying USD assets (US stocks/ETFs and such) without exchange to USD,resulting in financing interest.📝
To help you sort out how it works, Cici has created a chart to help you understand.😎
1) Deposit money
2) Enabling the Smart Save feature will automatically invest your idle cash into cash management funds in the same currency.
3) The combined value of Cash and Cash management funds will becalculated as cash assetsyou can use to buy stocks, ETFs and other assets.🤑
4) The total value of cash, cash management funds, and other underlying positions determines the account's maximum buying power. In case ofinsufficient cash assets, you may use themax buying power to obtain financingfor underlying purchases, which will accrue interest.
Disclaimer: Moomoo Technologies Inc. is providing this content for information and educational use only.
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