OPCookie Jar Fund
Oct 2022 was not the bottom for Chinese equities. Severe unemployment in youth if you read it up and all the stimulus can't change that without severely devaluing the Yuan. Chinese stocks are like an old cheekopek using viagra before his death.
Cookie Jar Fund : meaning?
Btan : Some big policy adjustments coming
Oofymcoofface OP Cookie Jar Fund : Oct 2022 was not the bottom for Chinese equities. Severe unemployment in youth if you read it up and all the stimulus can't change that without severely devaluing the Yuan. Chinese stocks are like an old cheekopek using viagra before his death.
Oofymcoofface OP Btan : no, market will sell the news and realise Chinese leadership has always been all talk no walk
Btan Oofymcoofface OP : Ok you pls exit early. Let others buy Baba
Matthew D Btan : Do u think he is long
Oofymcoofface OP Btan : Good luck