Elon Musk has started to roll out a new branding change for Twitter, symbolised by a blue 'X' logo. The company intends to rebrand as 'X' and expand its operations into banking, payments, and commerce. Elon, known for his involvement with PayPal and SpaceX, envisions 'X' as an "everything app," integrating social media, messaging, and mobile payments.
Jalapenoterry65 : How can we get X stock?
NYJW : Collective memory in the age of Twitter is over.
Silverbat : Hoping X can change your luck!
Tony-Love : Is he going to get involved deeply with "Twitter" again and cause Tesla's to drop to a new low? I will buy a lot.
屯屯鼠辉夜 Jalapenoterry65 : You might be wondering
agreeable Hound_0795 Tony-Love : me too
Ziet Invests OP Tony-Love : Hard to say haha, even tho Linda is on board…seems like he is still giving Twitter a lot of free exposure (rightfully so) // hard to tell when he will detach from it
Ziet Invests OP NYJW : Definitely the start of a new era i suppose!
Ziet Invests OP Jalapenoterry65 : We can’t ya, it’s not publicly listed
104252802 : its time to buy X