idk why ppl are acting surprised, COVID truly showed alot of these big corporations’s true colors. Exposed dark pool trading, SEC is literally paid to look the other way. Adam Aron is only interested in deepening his pockets. Theres literally millions of ape investors hoping for diamond hands. Because we know they still have to pay back those borrowed shares. Too many YouTube clickbaits on the MOASS, Trey Trades turned out to be “traitor “. We’re literally are in the worst recession in US history. Idk, im not saying its right to riot, but I’d totally understand. We’re not making enough noise.
Optic Blasts OP EasyGravy : Okay boomer
EasyGravy : hey , you lost money on a stock that ran 65 points.
Optic Blasts OP EasyGravy : Okay boomer
maddhatter : Literally as opposed to figuratively??? That’s poor grammar… so sorry
maddhatter : So… you think it’s supposed to be fair?
maddhatter : Ok. By not answering you reveal more than anything else……