This is total BS. Adam Aaron is worthless. He has done everything in his power to screw us out of our money. This ape shit was just a way to screw us more.
I wish to God I would have sold at 72$. All I have hear is don’t sell and hold. All I’m doing is hold this worthless stock by a company run by IDOITS.
Trucking Ape
AA has one job To make our theater profitable And ensure the longevity of AMC
As a shareholder I’m happy with his performance I’m not in this play just for the squeeze To line my pockets But to support AA in making AMC untouchable by the short sellers Teaching them a lesson
affable Eagle_2095
Trucking Ape
Good then just double the damn ticket prices ! Stop relying on the stock to save you ! Inflation ! Use it not the share holder with dilution
How about AA stop MF crying. All he does is piss and moan and fuk shareholders which is AGAINST THE LAW! A-hole can eat a sh*t sandwich
Mr Trecherous :
Wybreezy : Old silver spoon needs to stfu and remember who he works for
affable Eagle_2095 : Stupid AA needs to raise ticket prices !
Black Star : that letter was

AMCAlltheway : This is total BS. Adam Aaron is worthless. He has done everything in his power to screw us out of our money. This ape shit was just a way to screw us more.
I wish to God I would have sold at 72$. All I have hear is don’t sell and hold. All I’m doing is hold this worthless stock by a company run by IDOITS.
intuitive Jackal_354 OP AMCAlltheway : wait till he starts crying about bankruptcy when he reports earnings
Trucking Ape : AA has one job
To make our theater profitable
And ensure the longevity of AMC
As a shareholder I’m happy with his performance
I’m not in this play just for the squeeze
To line my pockets
But to support AA in making
AMC untouchable by the short sellers
Teaching them a lesson
intuitive Jackal_354 OP Trucking Ape : are you on drugs
affable Eagle_2095 Trucking Ape : Good then just double the damn ticket prices ! Stop relying on the stock to save you ! Inflation ! Use it not the share holder with dilution
Cardinal-BagHolder : How about AA stop MF crying. All he does is piss and moan and fuk shareholders which is AGAINST THE LAW! A-hole can eat a sh*t sandwich
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