$AMC Entertainment (AMC.US)$So no one seemed to notice or care they shorted this roughly 4 dollars in 4 days with Zero shares and CTB at 1000%??? The entire market is fuk’d if this kind of criminal bullsh*t is just allowed. I’m convinced, the market isnt real. its just fake ass manipulated numbers on a screen. nothing can be trusted. not the numbers. not the money. not institutions that back it up. nothing. its all corrupt.
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Notorious DAVe
There have been shares to short, look at the volume on “red bars”, all shares. The CTB has dropped significantly since AH Friday. The market is messed up, however retail buying yolo calls (and will NEVER exercise) handing over premium. The silly buzz words and Furus talking synthetics, phase 6 or any other BS is just wrong. Yea those things matter, not as much as a company trying to RS because they only lose money. They make no money. Popcorn and credit cards will do about as much as premium seating
No, I know its been manipulated and crimes happening but the AMC market cap moved almost a billion dollars and now its gone. That is crime so far out of scale. Its like difference between jay walking and cold blooded murder. Insanity doesn’t quite say it. No other logic makes sense other than the ability to get away with this has to mean the market is simply artificial. There is no “free” in the market. Its like the matrix but for money. The actual realization is staggering.
72951563 : You’re just realizing now that the market in manipulated? Where have you been?
intuitive Jackal_354 : the corruption comes from Gary Gensler and the sec. but his day will come cause they don't let you spend money in prison.
Zerocool888 72951563 : He’s been here much longer than you kid………..
Notorious DAVe : There have been shares to short, look at the volume on “red bars”, all shares. The CTB has dropped significantly since AH Friday. The market is messed up, however retail buying yolo calls (and will NEVER exercise) handing over premium. The silly buzz words and Furus talking synthetics, phase 6 or any other BS is just wrong. Yea those things matter, not as much as a company trying to RS because they only lose money. They make no money. Popcorn and credit cards will do about as much as premium seating
wooper intuitive Jackal_354 : where have you been lol
wooper 72951563 : that's great
NorcalSalsa : We all realized this but since it’s been like this for over two years we’re all numb
ur wifes boyfriend intuitive Jackal_354 : I wonder what's this is all about
intuitive Jackal_354 wooper : here just like you
Cardinal-BagHolder OP : No, I know its been manipulated and crimes happening but the AMC market cap moved almost a billion dollars and now its gone. That is crime so far out of scale. Its like difference between jay walking and cold blooded murder. Insanity doesn’t quite say it. No other logic makes sense other than the ability to get away with this has to mean the market is simply artificial. There is no “free” in the market. Its like the matrix but for money. The actual realization is staggering.
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