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CasualInvestor :
Alan8511 : yes! I think so
Naked trader : Evgo 🫡
Naked trader Naked trader : Get it and hold it
Therealramsden : Luv it, but as a day trader add a histogram I need all the tools
William Teh 郑鈺潓 : Electric cars are definitely the latest trend.. The same goes for semiconductor chips, but unfortunately there is a confrontation between China and the US. I'm afraid this is a tough fight between the two sides and the gray rhinos; I believe they probably won't see the light of day that soon. Currently, China's domestic property market is picking up, so it will take some time for Chinese stocks.
BBigGuy212 : everything seems to be going to be computerized
Be Passion : Feeling good but only put in 10%.
HKISSER : Yes. us investors are hoping that the soft landing of inflation combined with the increase in large cap stocks will drive the market in a positive direction.
Jelena-maisy : Go NIO
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