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Moomoo extends charting feature to mobile users, gains the first US utility patent

Hi mooers,
You now have a novel charting feature available at your fingertips. Moomoo’s Research & Development affiliate has secured a patent for a new method that investors can use to draw and customize charts. This patented feature complements the 38 drawing tools and more than 60 investing indicators available through our services.
Moomoo extends charting feature to mobile users, gains the first US utility patent
The new patent (US 11,656,750 B2), authorized by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, highlights moomoo’s commitment to utility innovation and is an essential avenue to further provide users with outstanding product features and services.
Moomoo extends charting feature to mobile users, gains the first US utility patent
“Moomoo is devoted to developing and bringing to market technology that allows retail traders to compete on a level playing field with institutional market participants. This charting feature is an example of one of the unique tools and features offered on the moomoo app that aids its users in their investing journey,” said Justin Zacks, Vice President of Strategy for Moomoo Technologies Inc.
Moomoo has long advocated and implemented technology innovations related to stock market trading opportunities. With real-time data that refreshes every 0.03 seconds, users can draw a variety of charts to that can help them discover potential trading opportunities or customize technical indicators to optimize their investment decisions.
So, what are your thoughts on this? Feel free to tell us what you think in the comments below!
Disclaimer: Moomoo Technologies Inc. is providing this content for information and educational use only. Read more
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