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Have you thought about the above questions? A lot of people will say, YES! My relationship with money is a cooperative relationship, a relationship between a family member, a master-servant relationship, etc. But is that really the case?
If you think a little deeper, I hope it will inspire you to find a real relationship with money.
When I was a kid, my family's financial situation wasn't too bad. My dad had a small business to support our family of seven. But at that time, my parents gave us very little pocket money; it was only two yuan a week. (I'll give you an idea, my friend is five dollars a day)
It is under these conditions that I have cultivated a very frugal view of consumption since I was a child. Especially when it comes to food, I pay a lot more attention to the price. My relationship with money was a scary stage in my 10+ year life until college.
I'm afraid I'll run out of money once I spend it, so I'm afraid to spend it.
I'm afraid I'll have to work harder to save money once I spend it, so I try hard to save money.
I'm afraid of spending too much money on food and not being able to eat the next meal. (Although I don't worry about eating at home)
Right after I went to college, I received a decent amount of money (20,000 yuan) through scholarships and bursaries. At this point, I suddenly discovered that I had a lot of money, and my view of consumption also changed at that time.
In my last two years of college, I began to generously spend money on clothes, shoes, etc. that I liked. But when it comes to eating, I'm still very concerned.
I was ignorant about money at this time.
I'm ignorant of thinking that money is that easy to get!
As long as you're a little smarter, making more money isn't a problem at all!
Soon after maintaining this kind of lifestyle, I went into social work. I only discovered a very real problem when I was working, and that is that it's not easy to make money ha!
It was only when the support at home was completely cut off that I learned how sad it is to live with a monthly salary of more than 2,000 yuan. I can't live that life very well in order to save money. The view of consumption has changed once again.
I only started four years ago (after entering social work), so I stopped spending money on things like extra clothes and shoes. I owned six pairs of shoes at the same time at my peak, but of course most of them are broken now.
I knew from that time on that money wasn't as easy to earn or accumulate as we thought. We must rely on money to generate money and all kinds of legal investment strategies to build our wealth!
Now I have a set of strategies and methods that can build wealth over a long period of time. I know deep down that it's not easy to reach the level of wealth we want, but it's actually not that difficult either. As long as you are willing to spend more time studying, practicing, and adapting to your own circumstances, you can do it.
Over the course of nearly 30 years, I have experienced a different life of wealth, and my relationship with money has ranged from fear, to ignorance, to cherish. This experience also taught me more about how my relationship with money shapes my spending values.
We can only find the most relevant relationship with money if we experience it from our past experiences. When we have a good relationship with money, wealth growth is definitely not an issue.
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EEC 青年财商导师,已经陪伴超过 1,120 名职场青年度过财富思维成长期。10年理财实践经验的他也是马来西亚国家认证的财务规划师。