- Still above 108/110; Plenty of liquidity building above
- Little support below; Bears can take the lift down
- Series of buy continuation channels and controlled sell channels ==> So far, bears don't want to take it below the support level ==> WHY?
Earnings reaction
- Bad ==> Bear flag to 100 or 95
- Good ==> Reach 119/120 and some form of squeeze will happen; to possibly break above 123
My Plays
- Sold put strikes 85 90 95 100 101 105
- For those below 95 very safe till expiry and with IV Crush, can even close
- For those above 100, possibly assignment to own counters
Lean towards bullish actually. Observe, react, don't predict!
102451235 : Your line drawing is so complicated that I can't read it
icezzz : U mainly trade option?
Asphen OP icezzz : yes. it is my monthly income generator with target of 1% per month for annual return of 12%
70649821 icezzz : If you don't understand, don't buy options; the risk is higher than the underlying stock
icezzz 70649821 : Thanks… still learning n trade with small amount
Asphen OP icezzz : we all start somewhere. I used to do small too. but now at 100 to 200 transactions per month.
icezzz Asphen OP : Wow… that’s a lot
Asphen OP icezzz : is a monthly income thing for me. is a passive income.