Moomoo soon will introduce fraction share for US trade if you are long term can go for US ETF or now you can invest in US because require min 1 share per trade. I warn you ,not all SG bluechip is investable eventhough is very cheap to buy 1 lot.
Blue Eyed Boy : It is good to buy this counter on dips. Fortunately now is a period of consolidation and good to buy in. good luck.
心急吃不了热豆腐 : U start with $100 you can't even buy any counter.. Except for some Etf..
♤方展博♤ : Use 10% of your income instead. Look at 10 years of investment. Buy companies with dividend payout.
Azzvia : You can consider the Cash Fund introduced by Moomoo
FlyingRain OP Azzvia : It's now in the Cash Fund... 1 cent a day... So I want to find one to buy regularly
Azzvia FlyingRain OP : very hard to buy shares at S$100. it is better accumulated your capital to S$500 - S$1k.
FlyingRain OP : I do have $500 just thinking to spread it over a few months using dca method..
jkak : Moomoo soon will introduce fraction share for US trade if you are long term can go for US ETF or now you can invest in US because require min 1 share per trade. I warn you ,not all SG bluechip is investable eventhough is very cheap to buy 1 lot.
deming111 : hmmm can right? U buy 1000 Seatrium at 138 dollars every month for 10 yrs. You will have 120,000 ( less if price went up, but u profited)
FlyingRain OP jkak : fraction share don't know when will introduce..
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