Samantha_tan : don't buy. wait for after EX DIV then can consider buying
SIUUUUUU OP Samantha_tan :
Mr Pistachio Samantha_tan : will drop by divd amount
Samantha_tan Mr Pistachio : yes that's when is cheaper for new entry and won't be stuck by the "drop" in price.
Bluezingy : banks will usually recover and cover back the "drop" in price after exdate...hold long term will cover back any potential capital loss EASILY with the div payout
Samantha_tan : don't buy. wait for after EX DIV then can consider buying
SIUUUUUU OP Samantha_tan :
Mr Pistachio Samantha_tan : will drop by divd amount
Samantha_tan Mr Pistachio : yes that's when is cheaper for new entry and won't be stuck by the "drop" in price.
Bluezingy : banks will usually recover and cover back the "drop" in price after exdate...hold long term will cover back any potential capital loss EASILY with the div payout