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breaking news guys !!! judge zurn maybe ban dark pool trading as part of her decision in this court case.

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  • Mcsnacks H Tupack : They will just use Periodic Auction orders then. They will retain the functionality of hiding a given participant’s order, and allow reference pricing. They can also execute their trades over-the-counter (OTC) through bilateral negotiations with brokers or other participants. Do you think Walk Street doesn't have a way around the courts?

  • Trytosaveabit Mcsnacks H Tupack : First hope you are having a good weekend? Hope you don’t mind me asking? But after the other day when you told me you worked on Wall Street. And now you post this. I thought you may the perfect person to ask? Why does some one like Kenneth Griffin keep getting away with the types of violations that he does with just fines? I mean the fines he gets, wouldn’t they be like the average person getting a $50 ticket? They really won’t miss that amount? So there really is no deterrence from just doing it again? Or is it that besides fines there isn’t really anything else the SEC can do? Or am I looking at it the wrong way? Sorry this so long. But I really would like to understand this type of situation? Seems like this type of thing happens more and more? Or is it just perception? Just figure you would have a much better grasp on this and could explain given your background! Thank you, hope the rest of your weekend is great!

  • Mcsnacks H Tupack Trytosaveabit : You do know Griffin donated $330 million dollars to the GOP fund right?  He also donated all the funds needed for the construction of a building at Harvard. And he's worth about 60 billion dollars so you could say he has a few connections. And with the SEC and FINRA he pays the fine but never admits to wrongdoing or do anything illegal. So it's like it never happened. His Citadel company also quit doing dark pool trading in 2015. They created  the Immediate-or-Cancel order (IOC) platform  so they don't use an Alternative Trading System (ATS) for their trading platforms  that operate as Dark Pools. And you know this because they don't file a form ATS-N with the SEC which ATS platforms do.  
    He wants dark pools banned because then  they will have to use his IOC platform thats based in Chicago.
    They are the ones using algos to infiltrate the AMC investors and trick them into helping them get dark pools banned.

  • Mcsnacks H Tupack Mcsnacks H Tupack : Oh and they only break the rules and regulations when they are about to lose a lot money.  And then guess what they do right after? They turn themselves in because instead of losing 30 or 40 million if they followed the rules they only lose a million by breaking it and turning themselves in. Remember they are breaking rules and regulations not laws.

  • Trytosaveabit Mcsnacks H Tupack : Thank you for you reply and for a more detailed explanation than I was able to find. Also yes about 60% of what you mentioned, I was not aware of. If that is the case with Dark pools? Your telling me all the allegations of him and Citadel LLC, Citadel Securities and Citadel Connect ( if I remember correctly this is/was the unregistered Dark Pool ) Also believe it was August of 21? If the allegations/investigations are over? And nothing ever came of it? They should have printed that everywhere, instead of dragging his name through the dirt and then never correcting the record? Or I just missed that? Again thank you for the explanation! I truly appreciate the answer!@Mcsnacks H Tupack

  • Mcsnacks H Tupack Trytosaveabit : He doesn't care about his  name getting drug thru the dirt. It's about money and fame. These people have hundreds of lawyers, if Citadel is being investigated they won't find anything because they know it's cheaper and easier to just pay the fines.
    And if you think Walk Street will ever be fair to retail you better pack a lunch cause it's going to be awhile. Or the SEC or FINRA. Just ask yourself this: When Citadel breaks the rules and pays a fine to the SEC does the SEC then turnaround and give that money to the people who lost money because of them breaking the rules?  Of course not. That's why Citadel doesn't have to sign anything admitting to  wrongdoing and instead just pay the fine.  
    Most of what you have seen with Citadel  was all done for show. The stock market needed more retail investors so they created some entertainment, a David vs Goliath or good vs evil.

  • Trytosaveabit Mcsnacks H Tupack : Hehehe! ( pack a lunch ) LIKE! I agree with what you say. Doesn’t matter who, so long as you’re in the ( Privileged ) class, there will always be different rules for them and Peons like myself! Hehehe! Guess it’s me just hoping it would actually change if even a little? Or at least hide their corruption and disdain. It seems like in the last 10 years or so? It’s been way more in your face/out in the open because they have no fear of being actually held accountable!
    Thank you,

  • Mcsnacks H Tupack Trytosaveabit : Because anything they can be held accountable for they just change the rules. They were being accused of naked shorting so they changed the rules so they wouldn't have to naked short.

    What you should really be asking yourself is why are the richest most powerful people buying homes in Florida and Texas?
    Or why did the 2 richest people in the world start a business building spaceships that are not only losing money but aren't even projected to make money?

  • Trytosaveabit Mcsnacks H Tupack : Yes I ponder those questions a good bit. I come up with quite a few answers. From the innocent like saving taxes and way less regulations/business friendly. To the evil of using their money and corruption to change the new states into the ones they came from to assert their corrupt and immoral policies over even more of the country until they have complete control! Hehehe.  

  • Mcsnacks H Tupack Trytosaveabit : It's not that sinister. And Texas has never ranked as having less regulations than anywhere else in the U.S. And Florida and Texas are ranked around 15-20th in lowest taxes. But their property taxes are in the top 5.

    But Texas and Florida are the only two states where Spaceships can take off from. If scientists and NASA spotted a comet coming towards Earth how long do you think it would be before they told the citizens?  Comets have been spotted up to 33 years ahead of time before they impacted other planets like Mars and Jupiter. I know the next comet to come the closest to Earth is in 2031 and I think it's called Encke.

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