Logically, China has no choice but to expand. Matter of survival. Western media also encouraging growth by poking China cus interests are the same - all want to make money. Most importantly, CCP is behind Baba whether you or me like it. It is a totally different playing level now
Truth is nothing is 100% certain in the stock market (Even legend like Livermore can be humbled). It can rocket tmr and down 6 mths later. Without stating timeframe/EP-SL/thesis, it’s anyone’s guess and leave little to debate. What’s certain is the cat can be skinned in many ways.
102987738 14-K : I agree. Heading back to $89 I think
bullrider_21 OP : That counter may report better-than-expected results and price may rocket.
bullrider_21 OP 14-K : We shall see on Thu. Maybe it's you finding the worm hole in an alternate lifetime.
bullrider_21 OP 14-K : My prayer is for you.
Btan : Logically, China has no choice but to expand. Matter of survival. Western media also encouraging growth by poking China cus interests are the same - all want to make money. Most importantly, CCP is behind Baba whether you or me like it. It is a totally different playing level now
Shahrizal bin MD Saf :


Mett : Truth is nothing is 100% certain in the stock market (Even legend like Livermore can be humbled). It can rocket tmr and down 6 mths later. Without stating timeframe/EP-SL/thesis, it’s anyone’s guess and leave little to debate. What’s certain is the cat can be skinned in many ways.
xXSavage_Red_PandaXx : loading up on puts on disney amc and rivian