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You might think it's too complicated to understand a dozen different types of orders. Don't worry! Moomoo Learn will explain these different order types.
Limit Orders: The price is decided by yourself. You need to pay attention to the price and quantity.
Limit orders can only be executed at that specified price or better. For example, if you place a limit order to buy 500 TUTU shares at $11, you can't buy them at more than $11. If an investor wants to sell 500 TUTU shares at $10.5, the order may be filled at $10.5.
Advantages of Limit Orders Orders can be filled at or better than the user's desired price.
Disadvantages of Limit Orders You may have to wait a moment before orders are matched and filled. Additionally, limit orders are not guaranteed to be executed. A limit order can only be filled if the stock’s market price reaches the limit price.
Demystifying the practical order types, Moomoo Learn will talk about market orders in the next article. Cannot wait? Check out a featured course:How to Use Order Types.
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72839823 : Very helpful.
72734102 : Very good info
71533409 : Limit orders are my best choice to buy stocks
Watering88 : Good
71171312 : Yes, very helpful. Thanks for the brief overview!
sgtharryo : very helpful will use limit orders more
rachale41 : very helpful, thanx
70752641 : Thank you, very helpful.
Jaimer12 : Thanks very helpful
Moomoo Learn OP 72839823 : Glad to be helpful.
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