70509710 : With what timeline?
棒棒糖268 : The 259 you saw in your dream
KisTha OP : Short term speaking
KisTha OP 棒棒糖268 : Only If it can hold 246.50 Otherwise might see 30s
73407951 : The magnitude of Tesla's rebound today
KisTha OP 棒棒糖268 : You are screwed anyways sorry
70509710 : With what timeline?
棒棒糖268 : The 259 you saw in your dream
KisTha OP : Short term speaking
KisTha OP 棒棒糖268 : Only If it can hold 246.50
Otherwise might see 30s
73407951 : The magnitude of Tesla's rebound today
KisTha OP 棒棒糖268 : You are screwed anyways sorry