Yes but I’ve created a group on here private group where I’ll conduct my readings about my AI and Tarot investment journey! Integrating it as part of my researching strategies! I only do them on companies that have a uniqueness about them I just can’t grasp or understand it after thorough analysis and research on the stock. This thing has a tower Friday but I have the ten of coins. Wondering if they get sued but I seen no justice card, emperor king of swords and wands, page of swords seven of swords as these cards would indicate legal matters so how is Friday my enlightening day and T2B’s tower complete opposite cards and outcomes. This is when I do a clarity Blah blah bla🫷but yea I have a group now 0 in it cause it’s invite only and I haven’t invited anyone yet.
spookoo : no more readings? hahah
FiReBiTriXiE OP spookoo : Yes but I’ve created a group on here private group where I’ll conduct my readings about my AI and Tarot investment journey! Integrating it as part of my researching strategies! I only do them on companies that have a uniqueness about them I just can’t grasp or understand it after thorough analysis and research on the stock. This thing has a tower Friday but I have the ten of coins. Wondering if they get sued but I seen no justice card, emperor king of swords and wands, page of swords seven of swords as these cards would indicate legal matters so how is Friday my enlightening day and T2B’s tower complete opposite cards and outcomes. This is when I do a clarity Blah blah bla🫷but yea I have a group now 0 in it cause it’s invite only and I haven’t invited anyone yet.