Simon 5183
Everyone knows how to operate stocks with high margins. The problem is to understand the relationship between volume and price and how to use funds. Assuming you have 100 yuan in your stock account, don't invest all 100 yuan in stocks. For example, you can buy 50 yuan stocks as high-selling chips, and 50 yuan in cash to supplement stocks sold at low prices! The most feared word in the stock market is “corruption”
kennykent 1 OP :
Coulson : Please tell me how did you dilute it to a negative cost?
kennykent 1 OP Coulson :
kennykent 1 OP Coulson : High Sell Low Buy
Coulson kennykent 1 OP : OK thank you
Simon 5183 Coulson : Everyone knows how to operate stocks with high margins. The problem is to understand the relationship between volume and price and how to use funds. Assuming you have 100 yuan in your stock account, don't invest all 100 yuan in stocks. For example, you can buy 50 yuan stocks as high-selling chips, and 50 yuan in cash to supplement stocks sold at low prices! The most feared word in the stock market is “corruption”
kennykent 1 OP Simon 5183 : 100x13
kennykent 1 OP kennykent 1 OP : 100x32