hi woopermy name is Yolanda. I see you post your wins daily. I'm new I clicked to follow you. I like your style of trade. you don't get greedy but get a profit daily from the market. Would you help me. I'm willing to learn. And learn quickly. How do you decide what you are going to trade for the day? What is your risk tolerance? when do you know when to buy/sale? Thank you, in advance for your time and expertise. I'm impressed with your style of trading Thank you!
baglady : hi wooper
my name is Yolanda. I see you post your wins daily. I'm new I clicked to follow you. I like your style of trade. you don't get greedy but get a profit daily from the market. Would you help me. I'm willing to learn. And learn quickly. How do you decide what you are going to trade for the day? What is your risk tolerance? when do you know when to buy/sale? Thank you, in advance for your time and expertise. I'm impressed with your style of trading 
Thank you!
wooper OP baglady :
baglady wooper OP : hi how are you doing?
wooper OP : all is well
baglady : Glad all is well, I live in Houston, Texas. The weather was beautiful here today.
wooper OP : same here in Florida the weather has been fantastic this year
baglady : nice to hear the weather is good in Florida