Keep it you don't need cash. There are a few investors who know AMD's products and growth well such as digimonX, mafan28, oceanwave.. Don't listen to those 'guru' who keep talking about insider sell, high PE, etc. asking others to sell. They are most of the time Shorties or Put option buyers. Unless you are short term player or doing scalp trading, then you need to concern about price correction, consolidation or short term down trend.. If you are playing long term, just keep it.
海龍王彼得 : Keep
Jimmy1819 OP 海龍王彼得 : do you really think I should hold? and how long?
DavidCCL Jimmy1819 OP : Keep it you don't need cash. There are a few investors who know AMD's products and growth well such as digimonX, mafan28, oceanwave.. Don't listen to those 'guru' who keep talking about insider sell, high PE, etc. asking others to sell. They are most of the time Shorties or Put option buyers.
Unless you are short term player or doing scalp trading, then you need to concern about price correction, consolidation or short term down trend..
If you are playing long term, just keep it.