104895806 : Can you tell me how much money you've invested to play
74189497 OP 104895806 : 3000 pieces
104895806 74189497 OP : Dollars? You should be very experienced.. envy
74189497 OP 104895806 : The return on options is normal
104895806 74189497 OP : Are you playing options. Can you tell which one it is? Is Tesla the right stock?
104895806 104895806 : His code is TSLA?
104895806 104895806 : Is the coding TSLA?
74189497 OP 104895806 : Right
IPELove : Master
104895806 : Can you tell me how much money you've invested to play
74189497 OP 104895806 : 3000 pieces
104895806 74189497 OP : Dollars? You should be very experienced.. envy
74189497 OP 104895806 : The return on options is normal
104895806 74189497 OP : Are you playing options. Can you tell which one it is? Is Tesla the right stock?
104895806 104895806 : His code is TSLA?
104895806 104895806 : Is the coding TSLA?
74189497 OP 104895806 : Right
IPELove : Master