this is actually wrong, for 2 reason, first reason is hedge fund manager has a large pool of money against any individual, hedge fund manager always win as there is always ppl who dump due to many reason.2nd reason is it only takes 50% of shorted stocks to create panic, the other 50% is sold by ppl who took profits and ppl who saved themselves
卡波猫 : this is actually wrong, for 2 reason, first reason is hedge fund manager has a large pool of money against any individual, hedge fund manager always win as there is always ppl who dump due to many reason.2nd reason is it only takes 50% of shorted stocks to create panic, the other 50% is sold by ppl who took profits and ppl who saved themselves
104805476 卡波猫 : You made absolutely 0 sense. The post made a lot of sense though.
卡波猫 104805476 : thats cause u bought the stock and u believe what u want to believe, this is a gamble not a real investment to start with
卡波猫 : and the side that are scattered always lose, e.g. people who dump/sell