VincentHuang : OK
VincentHuang : Look at 150 in the long run
CY1234 VincentHuang : No, I bought it at 168
敬畏市场理性投资 OP : The typical value trap rose very well before the earnings report, and was a big disappointment after the earnings report
74311840 CY1234 : I also bought it for 169
VincentHuang : OK
VincentHuang : Look at 150 in the long run
CY1234 VincentHuang : No, I bought it at 168
敬畏市场理性投资 OP : The typical value trap rose very well before the earnings report, and was a big disappointment after the earnings report
74311840 CY1234 : I also bought it for 169