103622741 : may i know how can i see my realised profit for a trade? where to have this? thanks in advance
BeginnerTrader OP 103622741 : account→assets→click on the shares you sold→share→last one realized P/L
iKuroNeko 103622741 : You gotta sell it first to make it realized profit
103622741 BeginnerTrader OP : it is no longer under asset section after i sold it
103622741 iKuroNeko : ya, couldnt find it after sold
iKuroNeko 103622741 : You gotta do it on the same day of the trades previous trades won’t show up as image but as data
103622741 : may i know how can i see my realised profit for a trade? where to have this? thanks in advance
BeginnerTrader OP 103622741 : account→assets→click on the shares you sold→share→last one realized P/L
iKuroNeko 103622741 : You gotta sell it first to make it realized profit
103622741 BeginnerTrader OP : it is no longer under asset section after i sold it

103622741 iKuroNeko : ya, couldnt find it after sold
iKuroNeko 103622741 : You gotta do it on the same day of the trades previous trades won’t show up as image but as data