Musk: ‘Nother glass of wine Ken? Ken: Sure thanks. So don’t worry. We won’t touch Tesla. Only AMC and GME. Those guys we’ve got to run into the ground otherwise we’re toast.
This is why the public is stupid.. they think these rich ppls are working to help them. They don't give a flying truck about the common citizen.
TracyD : Musk: ‘Nother glass of wine Ken?
Ken: Sure thanks. So don’t worry. We won’t touch Tesla. Only AMC and GME. Those guys we’ve got to run into the ground otherwise we’re toast.
D3VIN-007 : This is why the public is stupid.. they think these rich ppls are working to help them. They don't give a flying truck about the common citizen.
Silverbat : CPI might may reflect oversupplied M2