Just not trying to offer financial advice that’s all! The market is manipulated more than ever and I believe shorts are at an all time high, impatient people and not knowing what news is fake or real is a pain in the butt!
Unfortunately when it comes to penny stocks, it can be a huge investment into the unknown! Best wishes on your endeavor and hope ya make them big bucks
lucydn : I feel manipulated. I can't seem to move forward.
Yourztrly OP lucydn : Honestly it’s your decision and your money at the end of the day. Either you risk for a gain or loss but that’s just the game
lucydn Yourztrly OP : 我也没说什么吧!我只是说感觉,猜测而已,怎么你不见得别人这么说吗?你厉害,那你解释一下为什么不上涨,你说说看告诉大家为什么不上涨。
Yourztrly OP lucydn : Just not trying to offer financial advice that’s all!
The market is manipulated more than ever and I believe shorts are at an all time high, impatient people and not knowing what news is fake or real is a pain in the butt!
Unfortunately when it comes to penny stocks, it can be a huge investment into the unknown! Best wishes on your endeavor and hope ya make them big bucks