103424843 : QL gave dividend is it?
101639226 103424843 : Issued a one-half share campaign
104335947 101639226 : I still yet to see the unit reflect in the stock split in my account? Does it take a few days?
Corwin Lim OP 104335947 : It should take time
103106418 : Please tell me why this is the case?
101639226 104335947 : 需要一些时间
101639226 103106418 : The company has always been making money to give back to shareholders
101639226 : I didn't buy this stock on moomoo, this is my purchase on another platform.
103106418 101639226 : Sorry for correcting my question, what was 6 last week has now become 4?
101639226 103424843 : The dividend will be distributed on the 23rd of this month.
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103424843 : QL gave dividend is it?
101639226 103424843 : Issued a one-half share campaign
104335947 101639226 : I still yet to see the unit reflect in the stock split in my account? Does it take a few days?
Corwin Lim OP 104335947 : It should take time
103106418 : Please tell me why this is the case?
101639226 104335947 : 需要一些时间
101639226 103106418 : The company has always been making money to give back to shareholders
101639226 : I didn't buy this stock on moomoo, this is my purchase on another platform.
103106418 101639226 : Sorry for correcting my question, what was 6 last week has now become 4?
101639226 103424843 : The dividend will be distributed on the 23rd of this month.
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