TSLA2800 : This is unrelated to elections, whether it's big companies or small companies, people should hope for their success. The majority of people want others to have empathy and conscience.
Stock_Drift OP TSLA2800 : Calm down, you read way too far into it. It was about ratings and the tickers gaining.
TSLA2800 : I mean why do so many people want to empty DJT? It's already dropped from 40 to 14, so why not stop?
Stock_Drift OP TSLA2800 : It’s Friday, don’t get me started on $Trump Media & Technology (DJT.US)$ haha.
TSLA2800 : This is unrelated to elections, whether it's big companies or small companies, people should hope for their success. The majority of people want others to have empathy and conscience.
Stock_Drift OP TSLA2800 : Calm down, you read way too far into it. It was about ratings and the tickers gaining.
TSLA2800 : I mean why do so many people want to empty DJT? It's already dropped from 40 to 14, so why not stop?
Stock_Drift OP TSLA2800 : It’s Friday, don’t get me started on $Trump Media & Technology (DJT.US)$ haha.