John H Bradberry
very simple. "trading the news" nothing to do with fundamental or technical analysis. US election, Trump-Harris is now the number one subject in the news around the world. Maybe even more coverage than all wars combined. People like Trump, it's a sentimental thing. October is going to be very hot for DJT. Shorties are getting scared, and if he wins, this thing is going to explode. I'm guessing $100 one day before the election, but that is just my opinion. People are buying based on emotions. Not a trading advise
joejoejoejoejoe : hold and wait for it to go up
helloworldhelloworld : to the moon

starr67 OP : I just hope it doesn't tank on me.
froggiechua : i still holding
timcypher : Buy More!
Rebel82 : buy more. it's less than a month till the election for fucksake. this can only go up until November 5th, at least.
John H Bradberry Rebel82 : How do you figure that?
Rebel82 John H Bradberry : very simple. "trading the news"
nothing to do with fundamental or technical analysis. US election, Trump-Harris is now the number one subject in the news around the world. Maybe even more coverage than all wars combined. People like Trump, it's a sentimental thing. October is going to be very hot for DJT. Shorties are getting scared, and if he wins, this thing is going to explode. I'm guessing $100 one day before the election, but that is just my opinion. People are buying based on emotions. Not a trading advise