102924517 : how much is the investment to gain 44+, is that daily?
9333 OP 102924517 : no. accumulated gains. my base 2k increase to 4k
102924517 : thanks
SupersonicBee BURRY 9333 OP : How many years?
9333 OP SupersonicBee BURRY : 9 mths
SupersonicBee BURRY 9333 OP : 9 months for 100% increment is not bad
9333 OP SupersonicBee BURRY : no la. my base I start with 2k. then I add another 2k capital la
102924517 : how much is the investment to gain 44+, is that daily?
9333 OP 102924517 : no. accumulated gains. my base 2k increase to 4k
102924517 : thanks
SupersonicBee BURRY 9333 OP : How many years?
9333 OP SupersonicBee BURRY : 9 mths
SupersonicBee BURRY 9333 OP : 9 months for 100% increment is not bad
9333 OP SupersonicBee BURRY : no la. my base I start with 2k. then I add another 2k capital la