Rusty Shackleford 1
I don't think it will look good if he doesn't sell or trade his shares of his company down to 10-20%. I know he doesn't have to, but you don't need any other reason for people to sabotage his presidency
OPRusty Shackleford 1
I just find it as a good opportunity to try to shed light on what’s going on in the stock market. The higher ups have control over the market as well, and wouldn’t dare let thousands of average joes become multi millionaires overnight. Some of the rich will do anything to keep their wealth and money. So I’m here because I still have hope. I hope that one day soon, the greedy heartless rich (some of them) have no choice but to transfer wealth to the poor and average so that it can bring some type of balance so we can advance. So… I still hold
louie_69 : how you get it?
KING KONG AMC OP louie_69 : App Store on iPhone
Tradethedip : I read that kenny g did not back trump.
Rusty Shackleford 1 : I don't think it will look good if he doesn't sell or trade his shares of his company down to 10-20%. I know he doesn't have to, but you don't need any other reason for people to sabotage his presidency
KING KONG AMC OP Rusty Shackleford 1 : I just find it as a good opportunity to try to shed light on what’s going on in the stock market. The higher ups have control over the market as well, and wouldn’t dare let thousands of average joes become multi millionaires overnight. Some of the rich will do anything to keep their wealth and money. So I’m here because I still have hope. I hope that one day soon, the greedy heartless rich (some of them) have no choice but to transfer wealth to the poor and average so that it can bring some type of balance so we can advance. So… I still hold