103718707 : Everyone is arbitrage buying Christmas trees.
Licensed-degen : My guess is short holiday week for wall street and they need liquidity
Micheal1791 : Will the market open on Monday and crush the long funds? Can block orders layout in advance for short positions to profit?
Coach Donnie : Are they?
Black Star OP Coach Donnie : this post is week old Bub
Coach Donnie Black Star OP : Understood Bruv.. Even then were they Bub?
Black Star OP Coach Donnie : go back and look
103718707 : Everyone is arbitrage buying Christmas trees.
Licensed-degen : My guess is short holiday week for wall street and they need liquidity
Micheal1791 : Will the market open on Monday and crush the long funds? Can block orders layout in advance for short positions to profit?
Coach Donnie : Are they?
Black Star OP Coach Donnie : this post is week old Bub
Coach Donnie Black Star OP : Understood Bruv.. Even then were they Bub?
Black Star OP Coach Donnie : go back and look