Vannic Chen
Yes… you are right also… investors looking for both financial data and forward guidance… if the company downgrades its growth for upcoming periods, the stock price will drop . Hopefully, both datas are strong in the report…
The net profit after the disposal of the land is good, but why is the currency translation difference causing the entire Reserve dropped RM 1.2billion? It was only RM186 million 1 year ago
Jack yeo : Good news
102315683 : Good report but didn't know if it would fly. I looked back at the last quarter's report and it fell after it came out
Vannic Chen OP 102315683 : Yes… you are right also… investors looking for both financial data and forward guidance… if the company downgrades its growth for upcoming periods, the stock price will drop . Hopefully, both datas are strong in the report…
牛不吃草 Vannic Chen OP : yes feel like will continue drop today
Jian1107 : Got gain on land disposal, result so so
DSHoong : The net profit after the disposal of the land is good, but why is the currency translation difference causing the entire Reserve dropped RM 1.2billion? It was only RM186 million 1 year ago